Tuesday 27 January 2009

why do girls only go for 'bastard' boys?!

It always seems to amaze me.. that no matter how much my friends moan about wanting a guy who 'treats them well' and ' understands them'.. they always fall into the same trap of ending up with a guy who For example swears at them ( which i think is very disrespectful), puts the phone down in their face etc etc etc. A simple BASTARD in other words!!

No matter how much advice i give to them.. it is almost as if they feel they have to impress this 'bastard'!!

Girls should really just gain actual 'self respect' and not be afraid to speak their mind.. because i personally feel as though sometimes they care about his feels more than their own, when at the end of the day the BASTARD rally couldn't give a 'toss' ( excuse the language )



  1. Simple, because they like it. They may say that the want a guy who treats them well and loves them, but what they really want is a guy who causes them trouble, then they are ok, then trouble and so on. Why's that? Because they have a boring life and they want a story of love and hate to happen.

  2. They think that there's something wild and untamable about bad guys that's attractive.

    They SAY they want a nice guy, but once they find one they make up excuses, that he's 'not their type' or 'he's just a friend' because really they just want to be abused and taken advantaged of... until they reach 30+ and realise that they were wrong, but it's too late then.

    Stupidity at it's finest, but we're the ones who pay for it most of the time.
